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Learning Management System - Versatile Learning Platform | Viizard

Virtual Learning System Suite

Educational Institutions

Formal, informal, and nonformal education providers

Virtual learning environment is the future of education. Change is necessary on the supply side of education, and virtual learning is that driver of change. Understood by scholars and practitioners as an inevitable means to an end. The sooner we create, adapt, and adjust the more streamlined will education become to accept the challenge of the 21st century.

Our VLSS was developed with the concept that change is inevitable, however, managing change is difficult at the best of times. Therefore, to create a VLSS that is user-friendly, customisable, flexible, and can serve several facets of education was the precursor to the framework development of our software.

Why our VLSS provides a turning point to meet the future of education:
  • The use of technology in the classroom makes VLSS more compatible to develop learners.
  • With the use of our VLSS, learners will have many more opportunities to grasp important concepts with a focus on their individual learning style. Interactive and responsive our VLSS can facilitate this more modern format of learning in any educational setting.
  • Teachers can use established pedagogical models to deliver more personalised lessons and increase the engagement level of students.
  • Students respond well to micro-learning and the VLSS is a perfect platform for facilitating this format of learning.
  • Students can learn on their own via computers, laptops, and mobile devices to keep learning alive 24/7.
  • VLSS increases the flexibility and creativity of the learning materials, which enhances the student experience and encourages shared collaboration.
  • Student progression through lessons and assessments becomes more self-driven -- tapping into the natural way humans learn.
  • Artificial intelligence and automation make administration of learning materials easier for instructors, freeing up their time for other teaching opportunities.

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